Assalamualikum Wr.Wb
Headmaster and
Vice HeadmasterSMKN 11 Semarang
Mr /Mrs Teacher and Officer SMKN 11 Semarang
All my
friend in SMKN 11 Semarang
of all, let us praise to the Almighty Allah SWT because of his Blessing. We are
able to come attend a farewell ceremony for the student of SMKN 11 Semarang
Grade 12 in the Acedemic year 2011-2012
Secondly,may sholawat and salam be
upon the Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guide us from the darkness into
Ladies and
Gentle , Brother and Sister in this Good
Opportunity i stand here to represed all the student of SMKN 11 Semarang
All teacher has make we can pass the national exam (UN) successfully.
Thankyou very much for dedication. We
know that you guidance ,motivation, and more. Have made us
better not only in thinking but also in attitudes
My teacher
we realized that we cannot give you reward.
We can only give you gratitudes and pray. May god repay your
kindness. May God Always bless you all .
Secondly, we would like to apoligize
to all the teacher , Administator staff and all element of SMKN 11 Semarang .
give me our mistake for give all the bad things that we have done
hopefully we can make our attitudes
better than.
Third,especially to our younger
brother and sister would like to remind you, keep studying hard and polite to
your teacher.
And keep
cool be good and be better.
I think
that’s all valedictory speech. I’m sorry for all my wrong words.
Thank you for all